Friday, September 26, 2003

談酒 on alcohol
撰稿者:夏侯元 By H. Y. Qea

Alcohol is one of the many objects heroes and poets longing for in human history. It could be confirm that very few who care less of liquors.

Do you love alcohol? Yes or not is up to individual's feeling. There is no standard answer. Alcohol gives attractive smells and is however tastes hot and bitter. The difference between people might be contradictory one another completely. which concludes that our sensing organ on one same thing could differ somewhat or entirely.

Pros and cons of drinking alcohol as beverage are as follow:

Most children dislike alcohol because they haven't doped who are like not immigrated aliens among the cons.

說酒好喝的人有酒仙和酒鬼兩種. People could fall into *alcohol ghost (drunkard) and *alcohol fair (royal class people)

Alcohol fairs are those who are able to bottom up and still on duty as usual. Who are living in good luck.

Alcohol ghosts are deeply doped ones. They could stand hungry with alcohol and disparate for liquor day and night and are the victims due to being doped.

祝網友愛酒,而不嗜酒。God bless you bottom up without drund.
* Alcohol fair refers to the alias of a Chinese poet in history. Alcohol ghost refers to Chinese drunkard as a whole.
The End
中華民國九十二年十二月十三日星期六Saturday, December 13, 2003